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Save up to $660

on CHEK Advanced Training Programs


Free Pre-Reqs

when you enroll on an ATP




Integrated Movement Science Level 1 offers a research-driven, clinically-tested system that will finally make sense of your client's entire fitness journey - from assessments to program design, to exercise instruction and coaching.

9-13 August 2023, Sydney, NSW

9-13 August 2023, Lancashire, UK

October 4-8, 2023, San Diego, CA

25-29 October 2023, Lancashire, UK

25-29 October 2023, Sydney, NSW

November 15 -19, 2023, Aarhus, Denmark

14-18 February 2024, Lancashire, UK

21-25 February 2024, Sydney, NSW

Feb 28 - March 3, 2024, Ann Arbor, MI

June 5-9, 2024, Ann Arbor, MI


USUAL ATP PRICE $2885 |NOW $2565

(payment period and amount calculated at checkout)

Payment Plans available at checkout through Lay-Buy

FREE Pre Reqs with this ATP

Program Design USUAL PRICE $139
Scientific Back Training USUAL PRICE $259
Scientific Core Conditioning USUAL PRICE $259


Already have the pre-reqs? We'll give you CHEK Points! (See FAQ at bottom.)

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This course teaches the foundation of Paul Chek's Holistic Lifestyle Coaching system. Students learn the 1-2-3-4 system of coaching, Primal Pattern Diet assessment, Rotation Diets, Zone Exercises and much more.

18-20 August 2023, Coolangatta, QLD

October 20-22, 2023, San Diego, CA

20-22 October 2023, Lancashire, UK

May 31 - June 2, 2024, San Diego, CA



(payment period and amount calculated at checkout)

Payment Plans available at checkout through Lay-Buy

FREE Pre Reqs with this ATP

How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy! USUAL PRICE $25
You Are What You Eat Audio Program                                USUAL PRICE $50


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"This is one of the most mind-blowing experiences I've ever had. The expertise of the instructors, the communal experience, the warmth of all the staff at the facility, and the way you're taught to actually assimilate and apply the information is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I had some doubts about my life path coming into this, but upon finishing I can honestly say I have more certainty about what I'm doing now than maybe ever before." Ben M
"I'm so grateful for this amazing information to finally understand how to scientifically and spiritually heal the physical/mental body as well as the soul. Personally integrating it within myself has been life-changing and I can't wait to share it with anybody/everybody willing to listen and apply it themselves! Thank you!" Marina V
"Has been one of the best decisions I have made, itreally brought everything together for me. The pre-requisites helped me to build a foundation and then leaving this course I felt confident in my ability to write programs for clients that will actually help them get the results they are looking to achieve. I would recommend to anyone who wants to take a deeper dive into holistic health." Patrick B
"Was pretty life-changing for me. Well-placed in times of learning in the academy structure, I was ready to dive deeper into knowing myself in order to help others. I'm forever grateful." Jess M


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CHEK Institute training has paid off in so many ways for our students. We think it can pay off for you too. That’s why our CEO, Gavin Jennings is ready to answer all of your questions.

As a highly experienced CHEK Practitioner and entrepreneur, Gavin knows how to run a successful CHEK business - he launched the very first CHEK Clinic in Lancashire himself. He’s also helped hundreds of CHEK students to start the business of their dreams.

What is an Advanced Training Program?

Our Advanced Training Programs, or ATPs are intense courses designed for fitness, therapy, conditioning and health-care professionals who are ready to take their careers to the next level.

Live ATPs are multi-day courses ranging from 3 days (HLC 1) to 12 days (IMS 5), while online ATP's are many hours longer than our standard, online courses.

This holistic, integrated approach to training and conditioning found in our ATPs ensures optimal results, further enhancing your earning potential. Using what they've learned, graduates of our ATPs have been able to increase their fees by 100-300% and still find themselves handling a full schedule of clients!

What if I already have some or all of the prerequisites?

If you have already purchased all of your prerequisites for your ATP of choice, you will receive the following amount of CHEK Points once you have paid for your enrollment in full:

IMS 1 Prerequisites = 55,500
IMS 2 Prerequisites = 47,500
IMS 3 Prerequisites = 49,500
IMS 4 Prerequisites = 55,400
IMS 5 Prerequisites = 29,500
HLC 1 Prerequisites = 7,490
HLC 2 Prerequisites = 40,795
HLC 3 Prerequisites = 49,197

If you have complete some of your prerequisites, but not all of them: You will receive the full value of the prerequisites you have completed in CHEK Points once you have paid your enrollment fee in full. To calculate how many CHEK Points you will receive, multiply the cost of the course in your currency X 100.

Please Note: Students who receive CHEK Points instead of online prerequisites will receive them after they have made their purchase and paid their enrollment fee in full. Therefor these CHEK Points cannot be applied to enrollment during the May Mastery sale event.

What if my license has expired?

Now is the perfect time to get re-started as late license fees are waived during the May Mastery event. The renewal license fee during the event is the standard $60.

How do I know which ATP is right for me?

The right ATP for you depends upon your career goals. We invite you to explore our ATP descriptions here.

But we're happy to help you decide the right course for your needs. The best way to do this is to schedule a career consultation call with Gavin Jennings, CEO of the CHEK Institute, Founder of the first CHEK Clinic and CHEK Practitioner (of 18 years).

Career Consultations with Gavin during the May Mastery Sale are free of charge.

What happens if I register for a class and then realize I cannot make those dates?

Our Transfer policy is outlined in the terms and conditions for ATP registration, which you will find here.

What career path(s) can I apply my CHEK training to?

The opportunities as a CHEK Practitioner are extremely flexible and can be applied to a whole host of career paths.

Our students:
- Create their own gym space or wellness center
- Become Holistic Lifestyle Coaches, offering remote and in-person consultations
- Work in Corporate Wellness for Fortune 500 companies
- Coach elite athletes looking to improve their performance
- Rehabilitate clients, often doing so as part of a clinical environment

Do I need to pay separately for flights/accommodations/food when attending live classes?

Yes, travel and accommodation costs will need to be covered at your own expense.

What is the IMS 3 Refresher workshop?

This is a 2-day workshop called IMS3 Update: the Lower Limb & Spinal Refresher, and is complimentary for anyone enrolling in IMS 4 during the May event.  It will be taught live at the CHEK Europe office on June 10th & 11th, and at the CHEK Institute office in CA on Sept 30th. & Oct. 1st.

More dates will be announced for 2024 over the coming months for the UK, US and Australia.

The Instructor for the June & September 2023 sessions is Matthew Wallden.

Students will: 

- Learn screening tools for all the major lower limb injuries and methodologies for working with the injuries identified.

- Recap Spinal Rehab principles and dive into 3 new areas relating to spinal function: working with scoliosis, identifying and working with axial spondyloarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.

Before the workshop, students should complete the online courses A CHEK Approach to the Lower Limb and Spinal Structures & Function.

The practical outcome/benefits

Participants will leave with confidence in their ability to screen and design appropriate rehabilitation and conditioning protocols for spinal-injured or lower limb-injured clients.

The workshop is also a great re-start for past Practitioners who want to continue their CHEK Career, perhaps after years of being out of the CHEK Community.

Please Note: This workshop is not a prerequisite for IMS 4. It is a special bonus offering that is part of the May Mastery sale. For that reason it is not eligible to earn CHEK Points if you have already completed the IMS 4 prerequisites and do not want to attend the workshop.

Enrollment after May Mastery
Enrollment in the workshops will be available after the May Mastery sale for IMS 3's and 4's at the following fees.

UK: £235 (licensed), £235 +$60 license fee (includes late license fee) for non-licensed students.

US: $255 (licensed), $295 (includes late license fee) for non-licensed students.

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For more tips and resources to revolutionize your clients' training, visit

How should I start my CHEK training?